
Course Details

This online course provides an opportunity for creative and critical examination of your dispute resolution beliefs, skills and practices, and further refinement of those skills. Mastering dispute resolution skills requires the ability to use skills and processes contextually - to adapt them as needed to different circumstances. Underlying any process of dispute resolution are assumptions about how human beings understand conflict, why they get involved in disputes, the types of behaviours and communication styles humans engage in and the meanings of resolution. Understanding these assumptions enables learners to assess when adaptations may be needed to meet particular circumstances, and what the disparate effects of particular processes might be on particular disputants. This is a self-paced course and you will be expected to engage fully in exercises, consultations, and assignments.


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Course Offerings

Mar 17, 2025 - Apr 27, 2025
Theory of Dispute Resolution
Seats available
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Mar 17, 2025 - Apr 27, 2025
Date Details
Online 2025/03/17 - 2025/04/27
Mon, Tues, Wed  
Domestic Tuition
Domestic Learner Services Fee
International Tuition
International Learner Services Fees