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The currently approved Principal Investigator must then sign in box 3, while the individual to be appointed, as the new Principal Investigator must sign in box 7.  FORMCHECKBOX  changed the project title and/or the name of the funding agency or the sponsor. Note that in all cases the name of the Principal Investigator and the project title must exactly match what is shown on the grant application to the funding agency, the funding agreement with the sponsor and the Notice of Approval.  FORMCHECKBOX  made changes to the consent process and recruitment information. Include copies of all amended consents forms or recruitment posters. Complete Box 1, 2, 7 and any others that may be applicable: 1.Contact Person  Faculty Investigator/Advisor Name:  FORMTEXT       Affiliation (JIBC Division or other):  FORMTEXT       Phone Number:  FORMTEXT       E-mail:  FORMTEXT      2. Title of Project:  FORMTEXT      New Principal Investigator (if applicable) Surname:  FORMTEXT       Given Names:  FORMTEXT       Affiliation (JIBC Division or other):  FORMTEXT       Phone Number:  FORMTEXT       I request that this project BCEG_`wxy    xph]hOjhjUmHnHuj( hjUjhjUh`ahj>*h`ah`a>*hj0JCJjy hjCJUjhjCJUhhCJ hCJhj hj5\ hjCJhj5CJ\hj5CJ\^JmH sH hj^JmH sH 0jh#q]h#q]CJU^JaJmHnHsH u hjCJCDEFG_`xy $Ifgd$If$a$Lkd$$Ifl4P0B+V#64 laf4$If^`$If$If  X Z \ ^ d_]]]$a$kd $$Ifl0+ 064 lap$If$If$If 0 2 F H J T V X \ ^ ` | ~ OP^_`LNԪԷԝԖԷԉԷ|Էoj hjCJUj( hjCJUj hjCJU hj>*CJj@ hjCJUj hjCJUjhjCJUhj^JmH sH hj5CJ\ hjCJjhjUmHnHuj hjUhjjhjU( ^ OLNZ x$If^ ($If^ ($If^ x($If@& P^` P^`hP^hN24HJLVXxz   "$.024󕍉~pjhjUmHnHuj_hjUhjjhjUhj^JmH sH jlhjCJUjhjCJUjhjCJUjhjCJUmHnHujhjCJUjhjCJU hjCJhj5\^JmH sH (24;[kd$$Ifl+(,064 la xx$If[kd$$Ifl+(,064 la4XZnpr|~((())0)2)4)>)@)B))))))))))jhjCJUj&hjCJU hj>*CJUjhjCJUj:hjCJUjhjCJUjhjCJUmHnHujRhjCJUjhjCJU hjCJhj5CJ\24 (( ) )B)o vEx$If^v`E hL$If^h`L $If^ x$If^ $If^ ($If^ ($If^ & F Ex($If^`E be placed under the direction of the new Principal Investigator name above: Signature of Currently Approved Principal Investigator Date:  FORMTEXT      New Co-Investigator (if applicable) Surname:  FORMTEXT       Given Name(s):  FORMTEXT       Affiliation (JIBC Division or other):  FORMTEXT       Phone Number:  FORMTEXT       Brief description of role:  FORMTEXT       If more than one Co-investigator is being added, provide the requested information on a separate sheet.B)))****+,+.++ h$If^h` $If^ ($If^ ($If^ ($If^ & F px($If^`p ))))* * *\*^*r*t*v**********+++++&+(+,22|2~222222222222 3 3F3R33謹||| hj>*CJhj^JmH sH jhjCJUhj5CJ\ hjCJUjthjCJUjhjCJUjhjCJUjhjCJUmHnHujhjCJU hjCJjhjCJU0+,2|2222~ic]c$If$If & F 0x$If`0 & F 0x`0qkd$$Ifl40+V064 laf4 Please describe the change you are requesting approval on.  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