
Handcuffs close up

Is this program right for you?

Are you a licensed security professional who carries and uses handcuffs? Then you must add a Restraint Endorsement to your Security Worker License. To receive this endorsement, you must complete advanced security training.


Licensed security professionals need AST. It's a prerequisite for the license endorsement to carry and use handcuffs. You must renew your AST certificates every three years.

Advanced Security Training is a 24-hour course that focuses on providing a foundation in:

  • Security Services Act & Regulations
  • Advanced Force Options Theory
  • Introduction to Control Tactics
  • Application of Restraints
  • Excited Delirium & Positional Asphyxia
  • Reporting & Documentation

Advanced Security Training (AST) is provided by instructors approved by JIBC. These instructors are required to follow the training standards for the security industry as outlined in the BC Security Services Act. To register for this training, please contact one of the approved instructors listed under the How to Apply section of this page.

Students must achieve a minimum of 75% for successful completion of the training. Successful students will receive their Certification for Training Completion electronically.

Replacement Certificates

Replacement certificates are available for a fee of $38.59. Please fill out the Certificate Replacement Form.

You are required to provide a photocopy of valid government issued identification along with the Certificate Replacement Form.

Forms can be received either by mail or e-mail. Please see the Certificate Replacement Form for submission details. If you are submitting your application by e-mail, Security Training Programs will call you to collect payment upon receiving your request. If you are submitting your application by mail, you can choose to include a certified cheque or money order for $38.59.

Replacement certificates will be provided via e-mail.

Please contact your preferred Advanced Security Training instructor for tuition information.

To register for Advanced Security Training, contact any of the approved instructors listed below. If you are interested in becoming a security training instructor, please complete the instructor application form.


Arnold Iwasaki672-514 -2130astcanadabc@gmail.comLower Mainland
Benjamin Hollins403-470-4780Ryujintactical@gmail.comLower Mainland
Bill Kim bkimmm@outlook.comLower Mainland
Brandon Nicholson brandon.nicholson@garda.comLower Mainland
Brian Woods604-543-7300brianpjwoods@gmail.comLower Mainland
D.J. Marks604-534-3308DJ@mdcharlton.caLower Mainland
Dieter Karpf604-941-3453dwkconsulting@telus.net
Lower Mainland
Ferdinand Soriano778-751-0097ferdsoriano@hotmail.comLower Mainland
Frank Querido778-855-9919fquerido@yahoo.comLower Mainland
Julian Knight778-822-2583julian@bluelinetactical.ca
Lower Mainland
Ken Mills250-706-9874millsken870@gmail.comLower Mainland
Kevin Theal778-686-6050thealka154@gmail.comLower Mainland
Mark Steinkampf604-780-4760tacticalpolicejudo@gmail.comLower Mainland
Joe Spindor604-619-3065jspindor@shaw.caLower Mainland, Okanagan
Rolland Chu672-514-2130astcanadabc@gmail.com Lower Mainland
Amadeo Vecchio250-377-1426infantrycaptain@yahoo.caOkanagan
Frank McConnell250-862-0891, 
Nicolas Strader250-801-4552nicolasstrader242@gmail.comOkanagan
Scott Schaffrick250-462-0403saschaffrick@telus.netOkanagan
Chris Spargo250-516-9798kris@sheepdogselfprotection.com
Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Interior, Northern BC 
Devin Vessey250-516-5832devin.vessey@islandhealth.ca
Vancouver Island
Glen Moffat250.240.1948glenmoffat@telus.net 
Vancouver Island
Kristin Greffard250-516-9798kris@sheepdogselfprotection.com
Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Interior, Northern BC 
Michael Turner250-896-5836mdjturner@gmail.comVancouver Island
Mike Massine250-516-9798kris@sheepdogselfprotection.com
Vancouver Island
Sheldon Martin250-667-1192sheldoncmartin@me.comVancouver Island
Norm Bettencourt778-840-8901normbettencourt@yahoo.ca 
Mike Kendall604-615-7522kendalltacticalconcepts@gmail.comFraser Valley



Q: How do I obtain a replacement certificate?

A: To request a replacement certificate please complete and submit the certificate replacement form and fee.

The 麻花精品is not accepting AST instructor applications at this time.  


By submitting this form, I agree to receive promotional communications from the Justice Institute of British Columbia via email or by phone.
call604.528.5836, or fill out the form.