Fees are posted on course and program web pages however, students can expect additional course charges.
Quickly and easily find the cost for courses and programs by going to the course or program web page on this website. The Student Services Centre can also help during regular business hours.
Learner Services Fee (LSF)
The LSF is charged for all courses and is collected at the time of registration.
The fee is currently $6.40 per course credit. The maximum charge is $38.40 per course.
If the course does not have credits, the Learner Services Fee will be applied based on the number of credits that is typically applied to the course using the credit value formula. The fee is tax-deductible and refundable when a student withdraws before the class withdrawal deadline.
The Learner Services Fee is used to enhance student services including library services, technology, and student support.
Student Union Fees
Applied once per term for registrations in at least one (1) course of three (3) credits or more and duration of five (5) weeks or longer. Current fees $68.77*.
Student Union Health & Dental
SUHD fees are charged once per year for students who are part of the student union and registered in six (6) credits or more in a term. Current fees $285.00*.
Questions about student union fees or to opt-out of the student union health & dental, contact .
*All SU fees subject to change September of each year.
Special Teaching Materials or Venues
Additional fees may apply.
Students should expect to pay for books and other course materials. Some programs require uniforms, specialized equipment or clothing.
Application Fee
Usually $75 but higher in some programs.
Commitment Fee
A non-refundable, non-transferable fee that reserves the student’s seat in the program. If the commitment fee is not paid when the student is accepted, the place in the program may be forfeited.
Withdrawal or Transfer Fee
For transfers at the student’s request. Fees for some online courses are non-refundable.
Prior Learning Assessment and Transfer Credit Fees
Varies by program area. Applicants are encouraged to contact the program area to discuss the current charges for these services.
All fees listed on our website are for Canadian citizens and permanent residents and are posted in Canadian dollars. If you are an international student, contact the Student Service Centre for international fees and charges.
Specifics about refunds for Â黨¾«Æ·students are provided in our Refunds Procedure, which is part of our Tuition Policy.
Students who are experiencing serious medical, emotional or other issues requiring a withdrawal after the deadline, before completion of the semester, may request a complete withdrawal from all courses on compassionate grounds.
In unusual circumstances that can be substantiated on health or related grounds, a partial reduction in registration may be considered.
Students requesting a refund or transfer after the refund period must demonstrate extenuating circumstances beyond their control that must be supported and documented.
Appeal Documentation
A letter
Your full name
Your student number
Date of request
A clear rationale for your appeal or request
Outcome or remedy being sought
Appropriate support documentation
Medical documentation
Financial documents
Letter of support from a counsellor
Letter of support from an instructor
Death certificate or an obituary from a public newspaper
Complete appeal packages must be submitted to appeals@jibc.ca.
If you're interested in submitting an appeal, please read the frequently asked questions outlined below.
It should be submitted within 20 business days of the date you become aware of the situation resulting in your need for an appeal.
Typically 2–3 weeks to process and usually within 20 business days from the date of submission.
This is defined as circumstances beyond your control, for example, a sudden illness or death in the family, medical or emotional illness, or serious injury of the student.
Students who are in active service such as Police or Firefighters called to an emergency, active duty, or to testify in court must provide documentation to support this.
Simply deciding to attend a different school or accept a job offer is generally not considered extenuating circumstances.
A letter from a doctor, medical notes, financial documents, letter of support from a counsellor, letter of support from your superior officer, letter of support from an instructor and, in cases that involve death in the family, a death certificate or an obituary from a public newspaper.
Documentation must specifically support your request or appeal.
You will receive an email from appeals@jibc.ca.
Please ensure your email address is up to date in your myÂ黨¾«Æ·account. Any correspondence will be sent to this address.
If we need more information during the review process, we will contact you via email.
"W" grades are very rarely removed from a transcript, normally only when an error was made by JIBC.
Students should note that a grade of "W" is not a punitive grade. It does not impact the GPA or credits passed/failed.
You may pursue an appeal only on the basis of alleged unfairness or bias in the decision-making process, as described in the outcome email you receive.
You must do so, in writing, within 10 business days of notification of the outcome of your appeal and it should be emailed to us.
You may email us to ask for a progress check after 20 business days.
A third party may only contact us on your behalf if you have submitted a third-party waiver/release of information form to Student Services and specified what information can be released to that person.