
Course Details

This is a specialized course in the Intelligence Analysis Graduate Certificate Program. You must be accepted into the program before you can enroll in this course. INTL512 - This course examines the nature and scope of financial crimes and many of the tools used by law enforcement in the preparation of a financial case. Included in this course is a detailed treatment of the following: laws which serve to aid in the detection and prosecution of these crimes, the types of business records available, types of bank records available, an examination of offshore business and banking operations, and the collection and analysis of this information, with emphasis placed on Net Worth and Expenditure Analysis. In addition, special treatment is given to the detection and prosecution of money laundering, various types of money laundering schemes, and the relationship of money laundering to terrorism. (Formerly INTL512)


  • INTL-5400
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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