
Course Details

Learners will engage in an authentic work experience with community organizations specializing in conflict resolution. This immersive experience allows learners to apply and synthesize their conflict resolution skills in real-world settings, enhancing their expertise and connecting with a community of practice; this may include facilitation, targeted inquiry, and relationship-building while adhering to the privacy requirements of their community placements. This course offers a unique opportunity to build connections, develop practical skills, and contribute meaningfully to the field of conflict resolution. Course completion involves placement hours with an assigned community partner with a conflict resolution portfolio, regular meetings with relevant 麻花精品staff and faculty, reflective exercises, and a final report. Administrative Note: Registration is permitted after submission and approval of the application form and will depend on availability of community partner. Placement is dependent on suitable community partner availability, and some placements may require additional experience or course requirements.


  • CRES-1106
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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