
Course Details

In a disaster situation, people will spontaneously offer to help; these people are referred to as convergent volunteers. They can provide significant assistance during and following a disaster if there is an organized method in place to provide for their intake, training, and ongoing support. Effective management of convergent volunteers ensures their skills are utilized to full potential, in support of the delivery of Emergency Support Services (ESS), and other emergency response requirements. Successful use of convergent volunteers empowers a community in the midst of an emergency, and gives some control back to people in a time when control is elusive. Planning for the operational use of convergent volunteers includes, public information and outreach, volunteer intake, intake site setup, convergent volunteer deployment, documentation management, and effective communication. As with all ESS response, it is crucial to ensure convergent volunteers understand and maintain the culture of worker care which is essential to sustain healthy and efficient working conditions during disaster response. This course is intended for ESS responders in charge of managing or working alongside convergent volunteers. Participants will learn to strategically review volunteer applications, practice intentional placement of volunteers, ensure training and coaching supports are in place for successful and safe integration of convergent volunteers. The course draws from the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, to support and reinforce standards of practice. The use of applied activities optimizes opportunities for participants to put theoretical content into practice.


  • EMRG-1610 or EMRG-1617
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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