
Course Details

This course is offered on contract only. For those interested in exploring contract options please contact ccrcustomized@jibc.ca. This workshop explores bias, stereotyping and barriers to effective intercultural communication. You will develop ways to acknowledge and work with cultural diversity to create a climate where people can listen, learn and build understanding. The course introduces a big-picture framework for conflict resolution processes that are inclusive, that are based upon certain fundamental core values and that can be applied universally. Much of our interpersonal and workplace conflict has a basis in cultural blindness or misunderstanding. As culture is such a complex and sensitive subject, we often don't discuss it. Yet culture permeates all that we do. As interveners and conflict managers, we need to ground our processes in the cultural context to make the work meaningful. How can we do so without relying upon shallow generalizations? What assumptions are we making? (Formerly CCR121;CR253)


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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