
Course Details

The large number of young persons with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) who are in conflict with the law impacts the youth criminal justice system. Disabilities related to FASD are often invisible and not well understood by professionals working in justice settings. As a result, front line workers may not take into account disabilities related to FASD, particularly disabilities related to communication, memory, and reasoning. In addition, opportunities are missed to implement effective service planning for youth with FASD. Participants will be introduced to how a diagnosis is made and how to work effectively when a medical diagnosis is not available. Service planning strategies for youth with FASD and their integrated case management teams will be explored. The latest resources and research will be identified and made accessible to participants in this training. This course is only available to Ministry of Children and Family Development employees, as identified in their Youth Probation Training Plan.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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