
Course Details

The Organized Avalanche Response Team Leader course provides participants with the skills necessary to work effectively and safely as a team leader during an organized rescue in avalanche terrain. The course focuses on go-no-go decision making criteria, different aspects of communications with team, base and other outside resources involved, ongoing collection of weather data and the use of hasty pits and stability analysis. Navigation in mountainous terrain and varying weather conditions including route finding, route flagging and track setting are also discussed. Participants are exposed and assessed on their leadership skills and ability to respond safely and effectively as a team leader in mock scenarios. The 4-day course, one quarter classroom based and three quarters in the field, is demanding and intended for Search and Rescue volunteers who will be acting in a leadership capacity. (Formerly SAR510)

This course is for active members of recognized Search and Rescue (SAR) Groups in British Columbia. To apply, go to www.jibc.ca/sar and look for the link to the application form. The application form must be signed by the Training Officer or member of the Management Team of your SAR Group.


  • Complete EMRG-1751;
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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