
Course Details

Police Recruit Block 1, Emergency Vehicle Operation, focusses on the knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitude that are required to operate an emergency vehicle safely as a police officer. Recruits drive on a closed circuit, which provides an opportunity to analyze current driving habits and learn new techniques to become a qualified police driver under Section 122, Paragraph 8 of the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA). Participants will be challenged to review and enhance their vehicle-handling skills and pushing the limits of police vehicles. This training involves observing and practicing collision avoidance and advanced driving techniques. Additionally, participants will experience challenges such as decision-reaction exercises, intersection clearing techniques, emergency braking procedures, and understanding associated vehicle dynamics in both routine and emergency response driving (Code 3). Recruits are evaluated in their proficiency in operating an emergency vehicle as a police driver. They must demonstrate their individual capacity to navigate a closed course through a series of exercises, effectively showcasing the key characteristics and techniques acquired during their training.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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