
Course Details

In this course you will gain a core understanding of current conceptualizations of complex trauma which will orient you to the theory, literature, philosophy, and central working models that underpin the current approaches in the field. Also emphasized is an understanding of the experience of complex trauma and current knowledge of what is known about healing and recovery, including evidence-based research. Through the study of the historical development of the field, you will locate yourself within the social movements underpinning the field of traumatic stress, the changing theoretical assumptions, and the growth of new clinical perspectives. This course includes a module on Indigenous models of healing and recovery, while the experiences of Indigenous survivors as well as those of diverse social locations (ethnicity, culture, age, sexuality, gender, etc.) are explored throughout the course. Concepts that help make meaning of the experiences of these survivors are introduced. The impact of the work and the importance of practitioner self-care is threaded throughout this course


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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