
Course Details

The purpose of this one-day course is to prepare students who may be called upon to prosecute violation tickets in a B.C. Provincial court hearing room. In such cases, the ticket issuer will: present the evidence of the offence to the court, answer questions posed by the accused, ask questions of the accused after they have presented their evidence, and finally to sum up the case in closing remarks. In such cases, the ticket issuer will act as an enforcement officer and as a prosecutor. It is essential in these cases that the ticekt issuer is prepared to deliver a complete, coherent, and correct presentation of the facts. To do this, the ticket issuer must understand how the courts work, their role within this system, how to present evidence in a professional manner, and how to ensure a successful prosecution of the violation ticket in question.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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