You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. 麻花精品Student Number This field is required. Student numbers begin with J and 8 characters total example J0555555 Legal First Name This field is required. Legal Last Name This field is required. Birthdate Email Address Phone number This field is required. Program of study at JIBC - None -Emergency Management CertificateEmergency Management Exercise Design CertificateExterior Firefighter Operations CertificateFirefighting Technologies CertificateFire Officer CertificateFire Prevention Officer CertificateFull-Service Firefighter Operations CertificateInterior Firefighter Operations CertificateCourse Information Identify the ICS course for which you require equivalency - None -ICS-100 = EMRG-1200ICS-200 = EMRG-1220ICS-300 = EMRG-1230ICS-400 = EMRG-1240 Name of training/service provider where you took the ICS course Date you took the ICS course Additional Comments Information messageI understand that I must be accepted into a 麻花精品program prior to submitting an ICS equivalency application.I understand that I am required to email my ICS Certificate to to complete my ICS equivalency application.I understand that my ICS equivalency will be recorded as a transfer credit on my 麻花精品transcript.If I require more than one ICS equivalency, I will complete a separate request for each course.I understand that the processing time for ICS equivalency determination is typically 1-2 weeks but may vary during peak times or for complex requests. After review of my ICS certificate, I will be informed of the equivalency decision by the Student Services Office via email.I confirm I understand the terms and conditions above Yes No CAPTCHA Math question This field is required.1 + 1 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.