Questions about registering for Continuing Studies or program courses? You're in the right place.
If you don't find your answer here, contact Registration at or 604.528.5590, or for more general inquiries, contact Student Services at or 604.525.5422.
Use the Find a Course page to search for courses at JIBC. You can search by keyword, subject or section.
Use the Find a Program page to access the wide range of programs at 麻花精品that lead to academic certificates, diplomas, bachelor's degrees and graduate certificates.
I'm a current or returning 麻花精品student.
If you're a current or returning student, you need to log in before registering, to avoid creating duplicate student profiles and to make sure any course pre-requisites get checked.
Log in to . Then click Register & Pay for Continuing Studies.
I'm a new student. I've never taken a course at the JIBC
You can search for courses on the 麻花精品website's Find a Course page. Click a course's Register link to go to Self-Service and register for that course.
You can also go directly to Self-Service and do your search there:
It depends on the program. Please contact a representative for the program to inquire.
麻花精品courses do not have waitlists at this time.
The tuition fee will be displayed when you proceed to checkout, before the payment screen. You can also see the tuition fee by looking up the course on the Find a Course page.
You can only register in courses that you have completed the pre-requisites for. If you are not logged in, Self-Service will not be able to check that you have the pre-requisites. Log in to first and then select the course you want to register in. Self-Service will automatically check your student profile and will know if you have completed the pre-requisites for the course.
Review the information you provided. Make sure you've completed all required fields and that YOU MUST CERTIFY IN ORDER TO PROCEED is checked off. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).
If the personal information you entered (first name, last name, and date of birth) matches an existing student profile, Self-Service will assume that it's your student profile and add your course to it as a convenience.
However, if you no longer have access to the email address in your student profile, you will not be able to get into Self-Service. You will need to contact Student Services at or 604.528.5590.
Courses will be removed before you checkout if:
- you are missing pre-requisites
- there is a schedule conflict (one course meets at the same time as another course)
Before proceeding to checkout, make sure that there is no schedule conflict and that you have all the pre-requisites required for your selected courses.
We only accept Visa and Mastercard CREDIT CARDS.
Log in to . Click the menu button at the top left. Expand Academics and click Course Schedule.
Go to the and click Login to Online Classes.
Log in using your 麻花精品Student User ID and password.
Your current courses will be available under My Online Courses on the first day of class. Some courses may be visible earlier, if there is required reading before the start date.
Your registration acknowledgement email contains your 麻花精品Student User ID.
If you don't have that email, go to the page on Self-Service and enter your first name, last name, and the email address you used when you registered for your course. You will receive an email with further instructions.
Go to the page on Self-Service and enter your Student User ID and your email address.
Your Student User ID begins with a "j" followed by 7 digits (for example, j0001234). If you do not know it, go to and follow the instructions.
To update your student profile information (preferred name, address, contact information), login to . In the top right corner, click your Student User ID. Then click User Profile.
Continuing Studies courses are paid at the time of registration.
Students in 麻花精品programs can pay for their courses online through .
1. Log in to .
2. Click the top-left menu, expand Financial Information.
3. Expand Student Finance and click Make A Payment.
4. Follow the instructions.
You can request either an Official Transcript of an Unofficial Transcript.
For your unofficial transcript, go to Self-Service or click the Self-Service link on the On Self-Service, select 鈥淎cademics鈥 then 鈥淯nofficial Transcript鈥 from the drop-down menu.
1. Log in to .
2. Click the menu at the top left, expand Academics and click Unofficial Transcript.
Note: Students wanting unofficial transcripts of courses completed before April 1, 2015, are asked to complete the Help Request Form and select the "Unofficial Transcript" category.
Students wishing to obtain their Official Transcript may order them online via Self-Service:
- Log in to .
- Click Transcript Request.
- Enter the destination information for your intended recipient.
- A fee of $5.25 (including GST) is charged for each transcript ordered. Unpaid requests will not be processed.
Note: Students who have not attended any 麻花精品classes for over five years may not be able to access their Self-Service accounts. If this is the case, please contact Students Services at 604.528.5590 to place your order over the phone.
As a returning student, you will automatically receive a new 麻花精品Student User ID when you:
Register for a Continuing Studies course
Apply and get accepted into a 麻花精品program
Are enrolled in a contract training course or program by your employer.