
Course Details

Through classroom instruction, demonstrations and hands-on training, this exciting new course is designed to equip officers and operators with tactical and strategic knowledge relating to the use of aerial apparatus. The when, why, where and how will be explored through the following list of topics:Positioning; Safety considerations; Communications; Water supply priorities; Strategies and tactics; Rescue operations and Elevated master stream operations. An inter-active mix of classroom discussion, video, tabletop challenge scenarios, along with practical water supply, elevated master stream & rescue exercises will ensure that participants leave with ?tactical tools in their tool box? for use at major incidents. This course is a must have for officers and operators of aerial apparatus. (Formerly EVO160) Prerequisite:Applicable class drivers licence (class 1, 3 or 5), with air brake endorsement.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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