
Course Details

Through classroom instruction, demonstration and hands-on training, this 14 hour custom course offers clients the flexibility to choose any four of the topics they would like covered from the following list: Pump theory; Preventative maintenance; Formal theoretical hydraulics; Fire ground hydraulics (nozzle pressure, appliance loss, elevation loss, friction loss, etc.); Water supply; Pump operation; Pumping from booster tank & hydrant; Drafting operations; Producing foam; Relay-pumping operations; Master stream operations; Supplying sprinkler & standpipe systems; Driver operator responsibilities; Apparatus maneuvering; Defensive driving on public roads; Tender shuttles; Tender fill site operations and Tender dump site operations and options. (Formerly EVO102) Prerequisite:Applicable class drivers licence (class 1, 3 or 5), with air brake endorsement.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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