
Course Details

This course will examine Indigenous justice and Indigenous governance in historical and contemporary contexts. Students will expand on their knowledge of the important issues affecting Indigenous peoples in Canada by studying the concepts of internal colonialism, decolonization, reconciliation and self government. Students will analyze and compare the common characteristics and the differences that shape leadership roles for governance in the public, voluntary and private sectors as they pertain to Indigenous peoples. Effective governance will be discussed in light of intergovernmental relations, governmental structures and the theories of power and politics. Learners will assess, debate and formulate ideas with respect to how the style of Indigenous governance can function effectively while still preserving Indigenous cultures, values and worldviews.

This course is only open to students who have been admitted to the Bachelor of Law Enforcement Studies. Please see the BLES program page for more information, and for instructions on how to apply to the program.


  • LAWS-2205 or SOCI-1100
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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