
Course Details

This course is offered on contract only. For those interested in exploring contract options please contact ccrcustomized@jibc.ca. As a senior leader or manager in your organization, you strive to create a culture of creative, joint solutions that lead to successful action-taking. Learn how to bring out the best in members of your team, who will in turn bring out the best in others. You will learn how to create an environment in which people have more confidence and trust in one another and work more productively and creatively with one another. By becoming an ?influential leader?, you will gain greater confidence in your own ability and capacity for making a real difference as you expand your Circle of Influence. You will achieve commitment to shared goals rather than grudging compliance with someone else?s decisions. This workshop will be a co-learning experience in which each participant supports and encourages the learning of others in an environment of spontaneity, candour and thought-provoking challenge. (Formerly CCR122;CR118)


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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