
Course Details

This course provides an overview of the role, functions, and duties of a family justice counsellor (FJC) in British Columbia. It includes an overview of the mandate of the Family Justice Services Division (FJSD), Ministry of Attorney General. This course also introduces the relevant policy and legislation that apply to the role of the FJC. The two FJC roles-dispute resolution and report writing-are reviewed, as well as the role FJC's play as commissioners for taking affidavits. Additionally, various functions of an FJC are discussed, including screening for violence, case management, initial needs determinations, intake assessments, dispute resolution services, and interviewing children. When providing dispute resolution, the importance of confidential, impartial service and the provision of legal information is reviewed. This course is intended for new FJCs who are completing their recruitment and individualized training (RIT) program.


  • None
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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