
Course Details

The StepWise 360: Interviewing Parents in the Child Protection Context is a facilitated course that provides advanced investigative interviewing training to child welfare practitioners in British Columbia. This course takes the experienced practitioner through the StepWise interview process: from collecting background knowledge and conducting an effective interview, to debriefing and reviewing the case. Consistent with the values of the ministry and social work practice, the material promotes collaboration, inclusion, critical thinking, self-reflection, and flexibility when working with families from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The course uses interactive lecture, video examples, demonstrations, practical exercises, scenarios, and games in order to develop the practitioners' skills for interviewing resistant, uncooperative, and/or hostile parents (both offending and non-offending). Practitioners will learn to apply the StepWise 360 to their real-life cases.


  • Complete CFAM-1150
Course Offerings
No sections are currently scheduled for this course

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